How To Fix An Overheated Laptop? 10 Best Useful Methods

How To Fix An Overheated Laptop? Like the majority of contemporary technology, laptops are getting smaller and smaller every year. While there is no way that the manufacturers could cease enhancing the performance of their laptops, overheating is a concern that is frequently connected to such powerful machines. You may have observed that your laptop becomes warmer than usual rather frequently. It might be a major problem if it overheats to the point where it becomes difficult to use and its performance suffers. Have you ever had problems with your laptop overheating? To help you figure out How To Fix An Overheated Laptop, we‘ve included a few typical fixes in this post.

How To Fix An Overheated Laptop? 10 Best Useful Methods

Your laptop may be getting heated for a variety of reasons. To begin with, check to see if your laptop is located in an area with a high ambient temperature. It is reasonable to anticipate that the equipment will overheat in such a scenario. The laptop is prone to overheating if you use it in a location with insufficient air circulation.

The air exhaust ports on the laptop may also be obstructed, which would restrict airflow and cause problems with overheating. If you are not utilizing the original charging adaptor, the issue can also occur. A program or service that is using a lot of processing power in the background while operating in the foreground could be another factor.

A laptop may also overheat if the internal parts are covered in dust, which restricts the passage of clean air. The issue could also manifest if the thermal paste on the CPU has dried out, resulting in ineffective thermal control. if any of the laptop’s internal cooling mechanisms, including the heat sink or cooling fans, are broken.

1. Dust the laptop to ensure proper airflow.

Nowadays, CPU fans are typically found in laptops to guarantee optimum cooling. In comparison to gadgets like cell phones, a laptop is more likely to accumulate dust over time. The first thing you should check if your laptop is overheating is if there is a lot of dust accumulated in the air vents or around the CPU and the entire cooling system.

How To Fix An Overheated Laptop

You can use a soft brush or a soft cloth to clean the duct if it contains dust. A can of compressed air can also be used. Be careful not to damage any laptop parts when attempting to clean the dust. Many problems connected to laptop overheating should be resolved by this.

2. Inspect for damage and wear

How To Fix An Overheated Laptop

A complicated contraption with intricate bits and components is your laptop. There is a chance that some elements or components could sustain wear and tear if it is producing too much heat. Examine your laptop’s ports, charging adapter, and charging cord for any signs of this kind of damage. If such a situation has arisen, you might need to replace the damaged component.

3. Are You Using A Certified/Original Charger?

Please confirm that you are utilizing the genuine charger that was included with the laptop. Third-party compatible chargers from various manufacturers may be widely available and far less expensive than the manufacturer’s charger. However, using a genuine or approved laptop charger is always preferable.

4. Stop unnecessary apps and processes from starting automatically

if the laptop starts up with a lot of background programs running. Occasionally, numerous pointless programs and services may launch while the user is logging in, placing a heavy processing burden on the laptop’s processor and lowering its performance. If you additionally have your laptop plugged into a power source, the situation gets worse. You can halt all the programs you deem unneeded during launch to prevent such a problem.

You can either use the Windows Task Manager to stop these apps or go to the settings menu and disable the pointless apps there. Furthermore, you can disable a number of startup tasks. Having stated that, kindly watch out for any programs or processes that are essential for a good Windows boot.

5. Try using A Laptop Cooling Pad

How To Fix An Overheated Laptop

Even though your laptop has an inbuilt fan to cool the CPU, purchasing an external cooling pad for it could help it stay cooler when charging and working hard. To assist the laptop function as intended, a laptop cooling pad offers additional cooling support. However, you should be aware that each device has a different native cooling system, so you must make sure the cooling pad you buy is compatible with your laptop.

6. Keep the space cool.

Occasionally, the laptop overheats simply because the surrounding environment is warmer, especially in the summer. In some circumstances, you can adjust your room’s setup and utilize an AC, cooler, or fan to lower the temperature and stop the laptop from overheating.

7. Update BIOS configurations.

How To Fix An Overheated Laptop

Your laptop’s BIOS plays a critical role in controlling running conditions by keeping an eye on the temperature and making adjustments as necessary. Try updating your laptop’s BIOS to make sure it is not overheating. Improved fan control, lower CPU power demands, and the elimination of additional operations that might negatively impact the performance and temperature of the laptop are all possible with an updated BIOS.

8. Run the Power Troubleshooter Menu

If malfunctioning software is to blame for laptop overheating, that is the basis of the problem. Running the power troubleshooter in such circumstances can occasionally assist in resolving the problem. In all likelihood, a power troubleshoot will resolve a software-related fault that is the root of How To Fix An Overheated Laptop.

9. Modify the power plan on the laptop

Occasionally, altering your laptop’s power plan can assist in resolving the How To Fix An Overheated Laptop issue. A laptop might become extremely hot while charging because of its high power consumption, thus adjusting the power plan may be helpful.

You can design your own power settings in this way. Even while this isn’t the strongest or most practical solution for How To Fix An Overheated Laptop, it will nevertheless enable you to save energy and lengthen the lifespan of your laptop battery.

10. Switch out the CPU Thermal Paste

How To Fix An Overheated Laptop

The last way How To Fix An Overheated Laptop is to Switch out the CPU Thermal Paste. Every laptop contains a CPU, and it transfers heat from the CPU to the cooling system using thermal paste (heat sink and cooling fans). When a laptop maker employs cheap thermal paste, it occasionally loses its effectiveness after a number of years. If you use the laptop in hot, humid weather, it can lose its effectiveness even more quickly.


The remedies provided here should have assisted you in determining the problems causing your laptop to overheat. It is simpler to prevent the laptop from overheating and harming the hardware once you have a better understanding of the problem. Once the problem is resolved, your laptop shouldn’t overheat and you shouldn’t experience any performance problems. I hope you know How To Fix An Overheated Laptop after reading this article. Thank you for reading!

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